Flora and the Worri, 2023
Picture book, poster, standees, stickers, paper.
Multiple sizes; book: 210 x 210 mm, A4, A1.
Emillie Abbot
Flora and the Worri is an illustrative picture book about anxiety and coping mechanisms for adolescents. This work was born from the desire to create an educational, interactive artefact that would allow children to engage in early intervention and prevention tactics, strengthening the likelihood of developing strong mental well-being. Navigating this space, catering visually to children while conveying sensitive topics, is a precarious pathway. It requires strong foundations of research, style, enticement, and intentions.
Traditional mediums such as watercolour, gouache and pencil marks were utilised to create bold and playful illustrative compositions, removing the perceived dark stigmatisation around mental illness. Instead, the topic has been conveyed through a scope of understanding and comfort, removed from pity.
Thank you to Peter Walker and Michael Kutschbach.
This work was created on Kaurna Country.